(with Luis Álvaro Abarzúa and Christian Cáceres )
The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets (forthcoming)
Utility tokens are digital currencies
(with Luis Álvaro Abarzúa and Christian Cáceres )
The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets (forthcoming)
Utility tokens are digital currencies
Since bitcoin’s introduction as the first cryptoasset in 2009, this new asset class has generated considerable interest and excitement. A cryptoasset is a private digital asset that uses
Kent Baker, Hugo Benedetti, Ehsan Nikbakht, Sean Stein Smith, and Andrew C. Spieler (2021), “Financial Applications of Blockchain”, The European Financial Review
Chapter 22: Trade Settlements (with Ehsan Nikbakht and Giga Zukhubaia) in The Emerald Handbook of Crypoassets: Investment Opportunities and Challenges
Currently, there are many inefficiencies
Public blockchains are permissionless blockchains, allowing universal access to read, write, and validate information stored in the network. This permissionless
nature also implies the intentional
The term “blockchain trading” encompasses a wide variety of market activity ranging from spot markets for cryptocurrency, to back end infrastructure on traditional asset exchanges. As highlighted
(withEhsan Nikbakht )
Journal of Corporate Finance, 101853, vol 66, 2021
This paper examines the role of cross-listings in the digital token marketplace ecosystem.